
NOTE: Day of Defeat supports Joysticks, yet we only allow for them to be used for looking around and not actually handling movements such as moving forward, back, side to side, or strafing side to side. 

Once you've downloaded and installed Day of Defeat, you'll need to configure your controls before you play.
Simply select "Configuration" from the main menu, then "Controls" from the sub menu.

Most of the controls are fairly standard to First Person Shooters, so those need no explanation. The following is a brief explanation of controls unique to Day of Defeat:

Use Voice Communication - New to 2.0, this feature will allow you to communicate with others ingame using a microphone. Hold down this key and speak into the mic - those close enough to you (On any team) will hear you.

Active In-Game VGUI - This will bring up DoD's in-game menu, useful for many things including Voice commands and Hand Signals. See the VGUI section for more information.

Voice Menu (1-3) - Brings up a quick selection of voice commands. Each of the three menu's require a seperate key.

Drop Ammo - A useful feature that lets you pass ammunition to a teammate. Any class can share ammo with any other class, except for Machine Gunners.

Drop Machine Gun Ammo - Light infantry each carry one box of spare ammunition for Machine Gunners. Use this key to drop the ammo.

Stop Yourself From Bleeding - Some wounds will cause bleeding - designated by a pain sound and a blood sprite on the left side of the HUD. When bleeding, press this key to bandage yourself. If not, you will slowly loose health until you die.

Prone - In addition to crouching, users can "prone" - basically meaning they lay on the ground. Machine Gunners can deploy their bipod only when prone. (Or when in an MG Nest area.)

Sprint - Holding down this key will give you a burst of speed. As you sprint, your stamina will drain quickly, so sprinting is only recommended in sticky situations.

Secondary Attack - Many weapons have a secondary attack option. Secondary attack with the K98 will stab with the bayonette, while secondary attack with MG's will deploy the bipod. (Only when prone, or in an MG nest)

Pick Up Grenades (Use Item) - If a grenade lands at your feet, you may pick it up and throw it back by using this key. Watch out, though - grenades have a fuse of 5 seconds, and will go off in your hand if you aren't careful.